I have decided to start posting some chord cheat sheets up for FREE. The password for the downloads will be in the most recent newsletter I sent out. If you are not subscribed then please do from the bottom of the Cheat Sheets page
These sheets are PDF files containing a number of chords progressions showing the chord and key diagrams. White represents chords within the scale. Yellow indicated that the chord is borrowed or outside the scale.
For example take at look at the below progression. This is based of the 2-5-1 in the key of F major, however notice that the final chord is yellow. This is because I have substituted the Fmaj7 with the Fmin7 (more of a soulful vibe)

There are many example like this in numerous keys.
These donwloads alos come with WAV and MIDI example files for your reference.
Follow the link HERE for the page.
Thank you for this